Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park was highlighted twice during the State of the Far North address, held on 12 November at Kerikeri’s Turner Centre.
The event, hosted by Far North Mayor Moko Tepania, brought together over 200 representatives from business, community, political, and Te Ao Māori groups to discuss the region’s challenges and future direction.
As part of the address Mayor Moko shared both examples of key partnerships and funded projects from across the region. Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park was highlighted as an example of a project that has boosted employment and supported economic growth. Showcasing how positive partnerships and investment in regional initiatives can deliver benefits for the community, both for today and for years to come.
The partnerships projects feature can be watched below
The State of the Far North address will now be an annual event, providing updates on progress and plans for the region’s future.
Watch the full State of the Far North presentation here: