In our second installment of A Stroll in the Park we're chatting with Grace Falwasser, the founder of Ae Botanicals. In this Q&A session, Grace shares insights into her new business and brand, her connection to the park and her vision for sustainable skincare.

Q: Could you tell us a little more about yourself and your kaupapa at the park?
A: Yes, my name is Grace Falwasser and I reside in Northland, my vegan skincare and body care products, Ae Botanicals are formulated and distributed at the park.
We are a 100% Maori and New Zealand owned pakihi focused on combining skincare with sustainability and purity.
Q: Where did your journey at the park begin?
A: It all started when I was introduced to Suzanne Hall who leads the Natural Product Cluster. Suzanne has become both my mentor and head formulator. The park provided the perfect setting for Ae Botanicals to grow.
Q: Can you share something about your brand's values?
A: Yes absolutely, Ae Botanicals stands by its tagline "GREEN BEAUTY, CLEAN BEAUTY, LET YOUR SKIN GLOW NATURALLY." We're committed to sustainability and purity in every product we create. So whether you're seeking skincare that's as good for the planet as it is for your skin or simply looking to let your natural beauty shine, Ae Botanicals is here for you.

Q: Where there key reasons you chose to develop your business at the park?
A: The park's GMP-certified laboratories and facilities ensure that our products meet strict quality standards. it means that it has been manufactured following strict quality standards to ensure safety, efficacy, and consistency. GMP certification is common in industries like pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics.
The park was my first choice in terms of location and I want to keep the brand local to support our community with employment as we grow.
There really are no alternatives that align with Ae Botanicals' values . Mass production often compromises quality, which is something we're not willing to sacrifice.
Q: What's something unique about the park that others might not know?
A: The Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park is a community based centre, supporting the Northland community and region with many parts to it - from education, business hubs, events, brands and horticulture and so much more..
A testament to the power of collaboration between the worlds of skincare and sustainability and also of combining technologies and community.
We'll be following Grace and her journey here at the park - you can too, via Ae Botanicals on Instagram at aebotanicalsnz or on Facebook at Ae Botanicals.